Qucs Mac Download

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  3. Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
  4. Sourceforge.net › Projects › QucsQuite Universal Circuit Simulator - Browse /qucs-binary At ..

Qucs-S: Qucs with SPICE

Download links

The latest stable release is Qucs-0.0.22. It is based on stable Qucs-0.0.19:
  • Documentation at the readthedocs.io and here
  • Source tarball: qucs-s-0.0.22.tar.gz
  • AppImage for all Linux distributions at Github
  • Debian repository (32 and 64 bit), built with openSUSE OBS: Debian 10 'Buster', Debian 9 'Stretch', Debian 8 'Jessy', Debian 7 'Wheezy' and Ubuntu 14.04 , 16.04 , and 18.04
  • RPM Packages (32 and 64 bit) for CentOS and Fedora-24, 25, and 26
  • Slackware>=14.1 SlackBuild
  • Windows installer (Zipped EXE): qucs-s-0.0.22-setup.zip
(Installation instructions..)

Contibuition guide

Qucs-S is open for everyone's contribution. See here for contribution guide.


  • January, 19, 2020 Qucs-S-0.0.22 is released! See Release notes and dowload link
  • October, 31, 2018 Qucs-S-0.0.21 is released! See Release notes and dowload link
  • June, 24, 2018 Added packages for Ubuntu 18.04
  • October, 31, 2017 Qucs-S-0.0.20 is released! See Release notes and dowload link
  • October, 25, 2017 Added packages for CentOS and Fedora
  • January, 26, 2017 Qucs-S 0.0.19 is released! The first stable release. Release announcement
  • November 8, 2016 Qucs-S RC8 released. Release notes and download link
  • September 3, 2016 Qucs-S RC7 released. Release notes and download link
  • May 15, 2016 Qucs-S RC6 released. Release notes and download link
  • March 23, 2016 Qucs-S RC5 released. Release notes and download link
  • January 31, 2016 Qucs-S RC4 released. Release notes and download link
  • August 29, 2015 Qucs-S RC3 released.
  • July 28, 2015 Qucs-S RC2 released.
  • July 25, 2015 Qucs-S RC1 released.

Simulation example with Qucs-S and Ngspice

(More screenshots..)


Qucs-S is also a research software. Check our publication list.

What is Qucs-S?

Qucs-S is a spin-off of the Qucscross-platform circuit simulator. 'S' letter indicates SPICE. The purpose of the Qucs-S subproject is to use free SPICE circuit simulation kernels with the Qucs GUI. It merges the power of SPICE and the simplicity of the Qucs GUI. Qucs intentionally uses its own SPICE incompatible simulation kernel Qucsator.It has advanced RF and AC domain simulation features, but most of the existing industrial SPICE models are incompatible with it. Qucs-S is not a simulator by itself, but it requires to use a simulation backendwith it. The schematic document format of Qucs and Qucs-S are fully compatible. Qucs-S allows to use the following simulation kernels with it:
  • Ngspice is recommended to use. Ngspice is powerful mixed-level/mixed-signal circuit simulator. The most of industrial SPICE models are compatible with Ngspice. It has an excellent performance for time-domain simulation of switching circuits and powerful postprocessor.
  • XYCE is a new SPICE-compatible circuit simulator written by Sandia from the scratch. It supports basic SPICE simulation types and has an advanced RF simulation features such as Harmonic balance simulation.
  • SpiceOpus is developed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Ljubljana University. It based on the SPICE-3f5 code
  • Qucsator as backward compatible


  • MOSFET power switch
  • JFET mixer
  • Single-ended tube amplifier
  • Hi-Fi bipolar transistor audio amplifier

Main features

  • Backward compatible with Qucs by the component types and simulations
  • Direct support of SPICE models from components datasheets. SPICE model could be added to schematic without any adaptation.
  • Basic SPICE components: RCL, BJT, MOSFET, JFET, MESFET, switches;
  • Advanced SPICE components: Equation-defined sources and RCLs, transmission lines;
  • Direct support of SPICE Modelcards, SPICE sections (.IC, .NODESET);
  • Parametric circuits (.PARAM) and SPICE postrprocessor (Nutmeg)
  • Basic SPICE simulations: DC, AC, TRAN;
  • Advanced SPICE simulation: DISTO, NOISE, SENS (added in 0.0.20), Spectrum analysis;
  • Single-tone and Multitone Harmonic balance analysis with XYCE backend;
  • Nutmeg script simulation: direct access to the SPICE code and construct your own simulation;
  • XYCE script simulation type;
  • XYCE digital devices library;
  • XSPICE CodeModel synthesizer;
  • User mathematical functions definitions with .FUNC (added in 0.0.20);



AppImage for all Linux distributions

You can run Qucs-S on all Linux platforms using AppImage without building it from source. AppImage already includes Qt4 librariesand you don't need to install them explicitly. Simple make AppImage executable and run it from console or your file manager. Pleasenote that AppImage doesn't include Ngspice and you need to install them using system package manager.

Qucs, briefly for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can view the simulation results on a presentation page or window. Qucs is a circuit simulator with a graphical user. Debian Package (deb) Home Page Download: List Download: Mac OS X Download: RPM Download: TGZ.


Debian repository

DownloadDebian(7,8, and 9) and Ubuntu(14.04 and 16.04) repositories are available for Qucs-S. Packages arebuilt with automatic Open Build Service (OBS) tool from OpenSUSE team. Go to downloadrepositoryYou need to perform the following steps to add this repository in system (forDebian 9). For othe distributions simple replace the URLs.
  • Download GPG key:
    wget -c
  • Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ra3xdh/Debian_9.0/ ./
  • Import key and update repos:
    apt-key add Release.key
    apt-get update
  • Install Qucs-S
    apt-get install qucs-s
If you have problems with adding repository in your system you can download andinstall the *.deb package manually with dpkg:

dpkg -i qucs-s-0.0.19S_amd64.deb
You may need to install the following dependencies: lib4qt4-qt3support,ibqt4-svg, ngspice

RPM packages for CentOS and Fedora

You need to simple add reposotries using the yum package manager. Let's consider example for CentOS:

  • First add repository

    yum-config-manager --add-repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/ra3xdh/CentOS_7/
    yum-config-manager --enable ra3xdh

  • Then check that repository is added

    yum repolist alll

  • And finally install the qucs-s package
    yum install qucs-s

Building from source

If binary packages are not available for your distrubution, then you will need to build Qucs-S from source:

Qucs Mac Download Full

  • Install all necessary dependencies: Qt, C++ compilers, etc.
  • Install desired simulation backends: Ngspice, XYCE, SpiceOpus. You can use all these backends together or only one of them. Install basic Qucs (0.0.18 or newer) if Qucsator is needed.
  • Download and unpack tarball
  • Use CMake to compile. Autotools doesn't support this installation mode and will not work!
  • Invoke make and make install
The complete command sequence to build Qucs-S is following:

tar xvfz qucs-s-0.0.21.tar.gz
cd qucs-s-0.0.21
mkdir builddir
cd builddir
cmake .
make install

The last command make install should be executed from root user. It willinstall Qucs-S into default prefix /usr/local/. Use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. to override the default locationNo additional configure options are needed now.

Slackware SlackBuild

Slack Build script is available for Slackware distribution. It will download andcompile Qucs-S automatically. You will obtain the binary Qucs-S package. Performthe following steps to install Qucs-S:
  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/ra3xdh/QucsS.SlackBuild
  2. Run SlackBuild as root:
    cd QucsS.S.SlackBuild
  3. Install txz package with installpkg command


You need to use binary installer for Windows. You need to download and installNgspice and/or XYCE manually from official websites: http://ngspice.org/https://xyce.sandia.gov respectively.

Important note for Ngspice on Windows: Unpack Ngspice ZIP package strictly to theC:SPICE location. Otherwise XSPICE model will not work! If you are getting strange errors with Ngspice on Windows and cannot ot simulate even simple circuit, please check that Ngspice is installed strictly in C:SPICE . All Ngspice packages including offcial should be installed in a such way.

It's recommended special build of Ngspice-26 for WindowsNgspice26_QucsS.zip. Default Ngspice package also will work but it may have some limitation. CustomNgspice build solves the following issues: How to get yoda text to speech.

  • Windows GUI of Ngspice is disabled. It allows Qucs-S to obtain logs from Ngspice.
  • Added CMPP preprocessor and C headers set mandatory for development of CodeModel libraries. Default Ngspice build is shipped without it.



Run qucs-s from the the command line or launch Qucs-S icon in your desktopenvironment menu after the installation. You will need to select default simulationbackend at the first run. You can change it later in the application settings.


Launch Qucs-S in the system Start menu. You will also need to select defaultsimulator on the first application start. You will need to set default simulatorat the first run. Correct simulator paths setting is necessary for Windows.


  • Vadim Kuznetsov ra3xdh@gmail.com
  • Mike Brinson mbrin72043@yahoo.co.uk

Contribution guide

Steps to contribute

Source code of the Qucs-S is hosted at the Github in the following repository: https://github.com/ra3xdh/qucs_s. You need to clone this repository if you wish to contribute.

git clone -b current https://github.com/ra3xdh/qucs_s
cd qucs_s
git checkout -b your_feature
Use CMake to compile Qucs-S. After you make changes, prepare a pull request to Qucs-S repository.

Branching model

Currently there are two main branches in my home Qucs repository:
  • master is release candidate for the next Qucs-S release. This branch provides side-by-side installation of Qucs and Qucs-S. Main application executable is named to qucs-s. Only CMake is supported.
  • current is development branch. Use this branch to target patches. It uses traditional Qucs build system. There may exist some experimental branches forked form this branch. I merge current into master time to time.

Release tarball is obtained from master with some Bash script. I distribute only Qucs-GUI and some utilities with Qucs-S package.

My changes only concentrated on GUI side, and you need to rebuild GUI only to test Qucs-S. You may take Qucsator from usual Qucs installation.

Build instruction (development branches)

Qucsstudio Free Download

For qucs-s-stable you need to set WITH_SPICE cmake key. Autotools will not work. Perform the following commnads to build all: git clone https://github.com/ra3xdh/qucs_s/
cd qucs_s
mkdir build
cd build
cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/some_path

Then install and launch qucs-s executable.(to top..)

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator


  • Main documentation page at readthedocs.io
  • Presentation at the Spring MOS-AK 2016 at Lausanne
  • Presentation at the Spring MOS-AK 2017 at Lausanne
  • Presentation at the MIXDES2017 conference: Part 1 and Part 2


Qucs-S is not a simple circuit simulator, but also a research software. Pleasecite our articles, if you are using Qucs-S in your research.
  1. Brinson, M. E., and Kuznetsov, V. (2016) A new approach to compact semiconductor device modelling with Qucs Verilog-A analogue module synthesis. Int. J. Numer. Model., 29: 1070-1088. (BibTeX)
  2. D. Tomaszewski, G. Głuszko, M. Brinson, V. Kuznetsov and W. Grabinski, 'FOSS as an efficient tool for extraction of MOSFET compact model parameters,' 2016 MIXDES - 23rd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Lodz, 2016, pp. 68-73. (BibTeX)
  3. M. Brinson and V. Kuznetsov, 'Qucs-0.0.19S: A new open-source circuit simulator and its application for hardware design,' 2016 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON), Moscow, 2016, pp. 1-5. (BibTeX)
  4. M. Brinson and V. Kuznetsov, 'Improvements in Qucs-S equation-defined modelling of semiconductor devices and IC's,' 2017 MIXDES - 24th International Conference 'Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Bydgoszcz, 2017, pp. 137-142. (BibTeX)
  5. M. Brinson and V. Kuznetsov, 'Extended behavioural device modelling and circuit simulation with Qucs-S' International Journal of Electronics, 2017, pp.1 - 14 (BibTeX)

Sourceforge.net › Projects › QucsQuite Universal Circuit Simulator - Browse /qucs-binary At ..

Qucs is a circuit simulator with graphical user interface. The software aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter, Harmonic Balance analysis, noise analysis, etc.
Qucs stands for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator. So far Qucs is not yet finished, but it is already packed with features. Take a look at the screenshots to get a feel for what it can do.
Qucs is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can view the simulation results on a presentation page or window.
Qucs, briefly for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator, is a circuit simulator with graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is based on Qt® by Digia®. The software aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter, Harmonic Balance analysis, noise analysis, etc.
Qucsator, the simulation backend, is a command line circuit simulator. It takes a network list in a certain format as input and outputs a Qucs dataset. It has been programmed for usage in the Qucs project but may also be used by other applications.
The Qucs GUI is well advanced and allows setting up schematics and presenting simulation results in various types of diagrams. DC, AC, S-parameter, noise and transient analysis is possible, mathematical equations and use of a subcircuit hierarchy (with parameterised subcircuits) are available. Qucs can also import existing SPICE models for use in your simulations.
While Qucs is well developed, we still strive to improve the project, and will always welcome offers of help. Qucs doesn't just need help with programming, it also needs graphics, high quality example schematics, tutorials for the website and lots more.
Qucs comes with a huge array of components and models including HICUM, BSIM2, BSIM3, and soon BSIM6. It also provides many semiconductor based components and models such as OpAmps, Diodes, MOSFETs, PMOSFETs and many more. Some example schematics can be found here which demonstrate some of the abilities of Qucs, and many more examples are provided with the program.